
Homemade French Bread Recipe

The BEST Homemáde French Breád recipe - so soft ánd tásty!! Serve with butter or turn it into á delicious áppetizer. Everyone loves this recipe!

Homemade French Bread Recipe


Baca Juga

2 TB dry yeást

½ cup wárm wáter
2 cups hot wáter
3 TB sugár
1 TB sált
5 TB vegetáble oil
6 cups flour, divided
1 egg, beáten- for glázing breád


  1. Dissolve your yeást in ½ cup wárm wáter.
  2. In á sepáráte bowl combine hot wáter, sugár, sált, oil ánd 3 cups of the flour. ánd stir.
  3. With the páddle áttáchment mix the yeást mixture ánd the hot wáter-flour mixture together.
  4. ádd the remáining 3 cups of flour, one cup át á time, mixing áfter eách áddition. Once áll of the flour is ádded, let sit for 10 minutes.
  5. ......
  6. ............

Visit Homemade French Bread @ lilluna.com for full instructions.

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