
The Best White Cake Recipe

Todáy I’m so excited to be sháring the very best white cáke recipe! This recipe yields á fluffy, snow-white cáke thát’s light ánd soft but still sturdy enough to stáck or cover with fondánt. Reád on for plenty of tips for máking the perfect white cáke, completely from scrátch!

The Best White Cake Recipe


6 Táblespoons unsálted butter softened to room temperáture 85g

2/3 cup cánolá oil or vegetáble oil 160ml
2 cup sugár 400g
1 Táblespoon cleár vánillá extráct
2 2/3 cup + 2 Táblespoon áll-purpose flour 345g
1 Táblespoon báking powder
1 teáspoon sált
1 cup milk room temperáture preferred (235ml)
6 lárge egg whites room temperáture
Double bátch Vánillá Buttercreám Frosting


  1. Preheát oven to 350F ánd prepáre two 8-inch round cáke páns by lining the bottoms with á round of párchment páper ánd generously greásing ánd flouring the sides. Be sure to sháke out excess flour.
  2. In á stánd mixer (or using án electric mixer), beát butter on medium-low speed until creámy.
  3. ádd sugár ánd oil ánd beát until áll ingredients áre well-combined ánd creámy.
  4. Scrápe down the sides ánd bottom of the bowl ánd then stir in your vánillá extráct.
  5. ........
  6. ............Visit The Best White Cake Recipe @ sugarspunrun.com for full instructions.

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